musiCal bot is a telegram bot. It offers you different tools for musical composition and analysis. Here you can read about all the commands you can take advantage from.


In Telegram, a bot can't send you any messages if you don't run /start command first.


A command to get information about other available commands and how to use them.


This command starts a pitch class set analysis session. Every time you send a notes set you receive its information: clasification, ordered form, prime form and interval vector. Take into account that notes are represented by numbers (0 C, 1 C# ... 11 B) and they have to be separated with spaces. To end an analysis session you only need to send a random command (for example: /shutup).

+ info

musiCal bot is simply a way to run the different tools in CalPyTools. If you don't use Telegram and aren't afraid of the command line you can use these tools directly. You can find the code here.