musiCal is a project that brings together the result of small steps that I took over time, particularly in relation to musical composition and analysis. Here you will be able to find all the tools I developed along the way. For now the site is under construction.

musiCal Bot

If you use telegram you can chat with musiCal Bot. For now it knows how to do very few things, but it will be able to help you more. Currently it is not online all the time. If you want to know the latest news you can subscribe to the site's telegram channel (in Spanish).


I have been writing code for years now. In that time I have created different tools for asisting musical analysis and composition. CalPyTools is about getting all that tools together, now written in python.

+ info

My name is Rodrigo. You can reach me by mail (feel free to chat with me in telegram or mastodon too). The code of this website and all its related projects can be found in GitLab.